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빠른 체지방 감량을 위한 10가지 방법

by Eric87 2020. 10. 27.

자신있게 수영장에서 수영을 하고 싶은 욕망이 생겼습니다. 다이어트 계획을 준비하고 있습니다. 건강한 다이어트를 하기 위해서는 식이 요법과 운동은 당연하고 수많은 요인으로 체중과 지방 제거에 영향을 줍니다. 빠른 체지방 감량을 위한 정보를 정리했습니다.

1. 7시간 이상 잠자기

하루에 5시간 이하 잠을 자는 사람들은 7시간 이상 자는 사람들보다 체중이 증가할 위험이 있습니다. 또한, 7시간 이상 충분한 수면은 성공적인 다이어트에 도움이 된다고 연구에 발표되었습니다. (출처)


Relationship between sleep quality and quantity and weight loss in women participating in a weight-loss intervention trial - Pub

Evidence suggests that individuals who report fewer total hours of sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese. Few studies have prospectively evaluated weight-loss success in relation to reported sleep quality and quantity. This analysis sought to det


Evidence suggests that individuals who report fewer total hours of sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese. Few studies have prospectively evaluated weight-loss success in relation to reported sleep quality and quantity. This analysis sought to determine the association between sleep characteristics and weight loss in overweight or obese women enrolled in a randomized clinical trial of a weight-loss program. We hypothesized that in overweight/obese women, significant weight loss would be demonstrated more frequently in women who report a better Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) Global Score or sleep >7 h/night as compared to women who report a worse PSQI score or sleep ≤7 h/night. Women of ages 45.5 ± 10.4 (mean ± SD) years and BMI of 33.9 ± 3.3 (n = 245) were randomized and completed PSQI at baseline and 6 months; 198 had weight change assessed through 24 months. At baseline, 52.7% reported PSQI scores above the clinical cutoff of 5. Better subjective sleep quality increased the likelihood of weight-loss success by 33% (relative risk (RR), 0.67; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.52-0.86), as did sleeping >7 h/night. A worse Global Score at 6 months was associated with a 28% lower likelihood of continued successful weight loss at 18 months, but unassociated by 24 months. These results suggest that sleep quality and quantity may contribute to weight loss in intervention-based studies designed to promote weight control in overweight/obese adult women. 

수면 부족은 식욕을 증가시키고 비만의 위험에 노출이 됩니다. 사람들의 수면 시간이 다르지만 7시간 이상 수면을 취하는 것이 빠른 체지방 감량에 도움이 된다고 하네요. 규칙적인 수면 시간을 지키고 카페인 섭취를 제한하는 것이 중요합니다. 그리고 잠자기 2시간 전부터는 전자제품을 사용을 최소화 하세요.

2. 블랙 커피 마시기

블랙 커피에 있는 카페인은 신진 대사를 증가시키고, 내장 지방 태우기에 효과적입니다. 연구에 의하면 블랙 커피는 일시적으로 에너지 소비를 증가시키고 신진 대사를 향상 시키는 것으로 나타났습니다. 그리고 블랙 커피는 체중 감량에 효과적이고, 빠른 체지방 감량을 도와줍니다. 블랙 커피의 효과를 보기 위해서는 설탕과 크림을 넣지 마세요. (출처)


Caffeine, coffee, and appetite control: a review - PubMed

Coffee and caffeine consumption has global popularity. However, evidence for the potential of these dietary constituents to influence energy intake, gut physiology, and appetite perceptions remains unclear. The purpose of this review was to examine the evi


Coffee and caffeine consumption has global popularity. However, evidence for the potential of these dietary constituents to influence energy intake, gut physiology, and appetite perceptions remains unclear. The purpose of this review was to examine the evidence regarding coffee and caffeine's influence on energy intake and appetite control. The literature was examined for studies that assessed the effects of caffeine and coffee on energy intake, gastric emptying, appetite-related hormones, and perceptual measures of appetite. The literature review indicated that coffee administered 3-4.5 h before a meal had minimal influence on food and macronutrient intake, while caffeine ingested 0.5-4 h before a meal may suppress acute energy intake. Evidence regarding the influence of caffeine and coffee on gastric emptying, appetite hormones, and appetite perceptions was equivocal. The influence of covariates such as genetics of caffeine metabolism and bitter taste phenotype remain unknown; longer controlled studies are needed. 

3. 음료수 멀리하기

설탕이 많이 들어있는 음료수를 마시지 마세요. 탄산 음료 및 과일 주스는 설탕이 많이 들어있고, 칼로리가 높습니다. 그리고, 영양가가 거의 없습니다. 또한 소수, 맥주 같은 알코올은 칼로리가 높고 영양이 없어 과식의 위험이 높아집니다.  이러한 음료수를 마시지 않으면 칼로리를 줄이고 내장 지방을 줄일 수 있습니다. 물이나 녹차, 블랙 커피 같은 칼로리가 없는 음료수를 선택하세요. 식사 1시간 전에 물 500ml를 마시면 빠른 체지방 감량 에 도움이 됩니다. 그리고 녹차와 블랙 커피는 카페인을 함유하고 있습니다. 또한 항산화 성분이 풍부하여 지방을 연소시키고, 신진 대사를 향상 시켜줍니다.

4. 정제된 탄수화물 멀리하기

정제된 탄수화물 음식 섭취를 줄이면 빠른 체지방 감량에 효과적입니다. 정제된 탄수화물은 몸에 좋은 영양소가 거의 없습니다. 그리고 이러한 음식들은 혈당 지수가 높기 때문에 혈당 수치의 높여줍니다. 그러면, 식욕을 증가시키게 만듭니다. 연구에 의하면 정제된 탄수화물은 내장 지방을 쌓이게 하고 체중을 증가하게 합니다. 그러나 통곡물 같은 정제되지 않은 탄수화물은 체지방을 감량에 효과적입니다. 흰 밥, 흰 빵, 국수, 라면, 과자, 케이크, 파스타, 가공 식품 같은 음식을 멀리하세요. 현미, 통밀, 귀리, 보리, 오트밀 같은 통곡물 음식을 섭취하세요. (출처)


Cholesterol-lowering effects of oat β-glucan: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - PubMed

Adding ≥3 g OBG/d to the diet reduces LDL and total cholesterol by 0.25 mmol/L and 0.30 mmol/L, respectively, without changing HDL cholesterol or triglycerides.


Health claims regarding the cholesterol-lowering effect of soluble fiber from oat products, approved by food standards agencies worldwide, are based on a diet containing ≥3 g/d of oat β-glucan (OBG). Given the number of recently published randomized controlled trials (RCTs), it is important to update the findings of previous meta-analyses. The objective was to quantify the effect of ≥3 g OBG/d on serum cholesterol concentrations in humans and investigate potential effect modifiers. A meta-analysis was performed on 28 RCTs comparing ≥3 g OBG/d with an appropriate control. Systematic searches were undertaken in PubMed, AGRICOLA, and Scopus between 1 January 1966 and 6 June 2013, plus in-house study reports at CreaNutrition AG. Studies were assessed with regard to inclusion/exclusion criteria, and data were extracted from included studies by reviewers working independently in pairs, reconciling differences by consensus. Estimates of the mean reduction in serum cholesterol from baseline between the OBG and control diets were analyzed by using random-effects meta-analysis models and meta-regression. OBG in doses of ≥3 g/d reduced low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol relative to control by 0.25 mmol/L (95% CI: 0.20, 0.30; P < 0.0001) and 0.30 mmol/L (95% CI: 0.24, 0.35; P < 0.0001), respectively, with some indication of heterogeneity (P = 0.13 and P = 0.067). There was no significant effect of OBG on high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol or triglycerides and no evidence that dose (range across trials: 3.0-12.4 g/d) or duration of treatment (range: 2-12 wk) influenced the results. LDL cholesterol lowering was significantly greater with higher baseline LDL cholesterol. There was a significantly greater effect for both LDL and total cholesterol in subjects with diabetes compared with those without (although based on few studies). Adding ≥3 g OBG/d to the diet reduces LDL and total cholesterol by 0.25 mmol/L and 0.30 mmol/L, respectively, without changing HDL cholesterol or triglycerides.

5. 유산소 운동하기

유산소 운동은 심장을 건강하게 하는 운동입니다. 그리고, 폐를 훈련 시키는 운동 중 하나입니다. 일상에 유산소 운동을 하는 것은 심장 뿐만 아니라, 빠른 체지방 감량 에 가장 효과적인 방법입니다. 연구에 의하면 유산소 운동을 많이 하면 내장 지방 태우기에 도움이 된다고 나타났습니다. 전문가들은 매일 20~40분 동안 유산소 운동을 추천합니다. 빠르게 걷기, 조깅, 달리기, 걷기, 자전거 타기, 에어로빅, 및 수영 등이 좋은 방법입니다. (출처)


Effects of aerobic and resistance training on abdominal fat, apolipoproteins and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in adolesce

Aerobic and resistance training and their combination decreased abdominal SAT in adolescents with obesity. Combined training caused greater improvements in ApoB/ApoA-1 ratio compared with aerobic training alone.


 To investigate the effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on abdominal subcutaneous fat (subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT)) (deep and superficial), visceral fat (visceral adipose tissue (VAT)), apolipoproteins A-1 and B (ApoA-1, ApoB), ApoB/ApoA-1 ratio and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (HSCRP) in post-pubertal adolescents with obesity. After a 4-week supervised moderate-intensity exercise run-in period, 304 postpubertal adolescents with overweight (body mass index (BMI) ⩾85th percentile for age and sex+diabetes risk factor) or obesity (⩾95th BMI percentile) aged 14-18 years were randomized to four groups for 22 weeks (5 months): aerobic training, resistance training, combined training or a non-exercising control. This study used a randomized controlled design. All groups received dietary counseling designed to promote healthy eating with a maximum daily energy deficit of 250 kcal. Abdominal fat (SAT and VAT) at the level of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4-L5) was measured by magnetic resonance imaging and ApoA-1, ApoB and HSCRP were measured after a 12-h fast at baseline and after 6 months. Changes in SAT at L4-L5 were -16.2 cm(2) in aerobic (P=0.04 vs control), -22.7 cm(2) in resistance (P=0.009 vs control) and -18.7 cm(2) in combined (P=0.02 vs control). Combined training reduced ApoB levels from 0.81±0.02 to 0.78±0.02 g l(-1) (P=0.04 vs control) and ApoB/ApoA-1 ratio from 0.67±0.02 to 0.64±0.02 (P=0.02 vs control and P=0.04 vs aerobic). There were no significant differences in VAT, ApoA-1 or HSCRP levels between groups. Aerobic and resistance training and their combination decreased abdominal SAT in adolescents with obesity. Combined training caused greater improvements in ApoB/ApoA-1 ratio compared with aerobic training alone.

6. 근력 운동 하기

근력 운동은 근육의 저항력과 수축 시켜야 하는 운동 유형입니다. 근력 운동은 근력을 강하게 하고 힘을 증가 시킵니다. 근력 운동하고 체지방 감량을 비교하는 연구가 있었습니다. 근력 운동이 유산소 운동보다 체지방 및 내장 지방을 태우기에 더 효과적이라고 나타났습니다. (출처)

Evidence suggests that exercise training improves CVD risk factors. However, it is unclear whether health benefits are limited to aerobic training or if other exercise modalities such as resistance training or a combination are as effective or more effective in the overweight and obese. The aim of this study is to investigate whether 12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic, resistance, or combined exercise training would induce and sustain improvements in cardiovascular risk profile, weight and fat loss in overweight and obese adults compared to no exercise. Twelve-week randomized parallel design examining the effects of different exercise regimes on fasting measures of lipids, glucose and insulin and changes in body weight, fat mass and dietary intake. Participants were randomized to either: Group 1 (Control, n = 16); Group 2 (Aerobic, n = 15); Group 3 (Resistance, n = 16); Group 4 (Combination, n = 17). Data was analysed using General Linear Model to assess the effects of the groups after adjusting for baseline values. Within-group data was analyzed with the paired t-test and between-group effects using post hoc comparisons. Significant improvements in body weight (−1.6%, p = 0.044) for the Combination group compared to Control and Resistance groups and total body fat compared to Control (−4.4%, p = 0.003) and Resistance (−3%, p = 0.041). Significant improvements in body fat percentage (−2.6%, p = 0.008), abdominal fat percentage (−2.8%, p = 0.034) and cardio-respiratory fitness (13.3%, p = 0.006) were seen in the Combination group compared to Control. Levels of ApoB48 were 32% lower in the Resistance group compared to Control (p = 0.04). A 12-week training program comprising of resistance or combination exercise, at moderate-intensity for 30 min, five days/week resulted in improvements in the cardiovascular risk profile in overweight and obese participants compared to no exercise. From our observations, combination exercise gave greater benefits for weight loss, fat loss and cardio-respiratory fitness than aerobic and resistance training modalities. Therefore, combination exercise training should be recommended for overweight and obese adults in National Physical Activity Guidelines.

7. 단백질 음식 먹기

평소 식사에 단백질이 풍부한 음식을 섭취하는 것은 식욕을 줄이며 빠른 체지방 감량에 효과적인 방법입니다. 연구에 의하면 고품질 단백질 음식을 많이 섭취하면 내장 지방 제거에 효과적이었습니다. 내장 지방 태우기를 위해서 매일 몇가지 단백질 많은 음식을 섭취하세요. 단백질이 풍부한 음식은 육류, 해산물, 계란, 콩, 유제품 등이 있습니다. (출처)


High-Protein Foods and Physical Activity Protect Against Age-Related Muscle Loss and Functional Decline - PubMed

Higher intake of animal-protein foods, alone and especially in combination with a physically active lifestyle, was associated with preservation of muscle mass and functional performance in older adults.


Some clinical trials suggest that protein supplementation enhances the effects of resistance exercise on skeletal muscle mass (SMM); fewer studies examine the effects of diets rich in protein-source foods on SMM and functional status among community-dwelling adults. Data from the Framingham Offspring study including diet (three-day records, exams 3 and 5), physical activity (exams 2 and 4), percent SMM (%SMM) (exams 6 and 7), and functional performance (exams 5 through 8) were used to evaluate independent and combined effects of physical activity and high-protein foods on adjusted mean %SMM (using analysis of covariance) and risk of functional decline (using Cox proportional hazard's models). Analyses were adjusted for such factors as age, education, height, smoking, and fruit and grain consumption). Higher intakes of protein-source foods (red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and soy, nuts, seeds and legumes) were associated with higher %SMM over 9 years, particularly among women. Men and women with higher intakes of foods from animal sources had a higher % SMM regardless of activity; beneficial effects of plant-based protein foods were only evident in physically active adults. Active subjects with higher intakes of animal or plant protein-source foods had 35% lowest risks of functional decline. Among less active individuals, only those consuming more animal protein-source foods had reduced risks of functional decline (HR: 0.7l; 95% CI: 0.50-1.01).  Higher intake of animal-protein foods, alone and especially in combination with a physically active lifestyle, was associated with preservation of muscle mass and functional performance in older adults.

8. 식초 마시기

식초는 심장 건강과 혈당 조절에 잠재적인 영향을 주고 체지방 연소에 도움을 줍니다. 연구에 의하면 식초 1~2 스푼을 매일 섭취하면 내장 지방 감소 및 허리 둘레가 감소됩니다. (출처) 그리고 식초는 포만감을 높이고 식욕을 감소 시켜 줍니다. 식초를 쉽게 섭취하는 방법이 있습니다. 사과 식초를 물에 희석을 시키고 식사와 함께 물처럼 마시는 방법이 있습니다. 그리고, 샐러드 드레싱을 사용하여도 좋습니다.


Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects - PubMed

Acetic acid (AcOH), a main component of vinegar, recently was found to suppress body fat accumulation in animal studies. Hence we investigated the effects of vinegar intake on the reduction of body fat mass in obese Japanese in a double-blind trial. The su


Acetic acid (AcOH), a main component of vinegar, recently was found to suppress body fat accumulation in animal studies. Hence we investigated the effects of vinegar intake on the reduction of body fat mass in obese Japanese in a double-blind trial. The subjects were randomly assigned to three groups of similar body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference. During the 12-week treatment period, the subjects in each group ingested 500 ml daily of a beverage containing either 15 ml of vinegar (750 mg AcOH), 30 ml of vinegar (1,500 mg AcOH), or 0 ml of vinegar (0 mg AcOH, placebo). Body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels were significantly lower in both vinegar intake groups than in the placebo group. In conclusion, daily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity. 

9. 건강한 지방 섭취하기

건강한 지방을 섭취하면 체중 증가를 예방하고 포만감을 유지하는데 도움을 줍니다. 그리고 지방은 소화하는데 시간이 걸리기 때문에 식욕을 줄일 수 있습니다. 올리브 오일과 견과류는 건강한 지방이므로 체중 증가의 위험을 예방해줍니다. 또한 매일 코코넛 오일 2 스푼을 섭취하면 빠른 체지방 감량 효과를 볼 수 있습니다. 하지만, 트랜스 지방과 같은 해로운 지방은 체지방을 증가시키고, 내장 지방을 쌓이게 합니다. 건강한 지방은 칼로리가 높으므로 적당량을 섭취하는 것이 중요합니다. 전체적으로 지방을 더 많이 섭취하는 대신, 건강에 해로운 지방을 건강한 지방 음식으로 바꾸세요.

10. 식이 섬유가 풍부한 음식 섭취하기

식이 섬유가 풍부한 음식은 수분을 흡수하고 소화를 느리게 합니다. 연구에 의하면 식이 섬유가 풍부한 음식을 섭취하면 지방 축적을 막을 수 있습니다. 하루 10그램의 식이 섬유를 섭취하면 다른 운동 없이 내장 지방 3%를 제거하는데 도움을 줍니다. 그리고 식이 섬유를 충분히 섭취하면 포만감을 오래가게 합니다. 과일, 채소, 콩, 견과류 등과 같은 음식은 지방 연소 및 체중 감량에 효과적인 식이 섬유 음식입니다.


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다이어트 할 때 꼭 필요한 탄수화물  (0) 2020.10.29
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